In Defense of Steven Moffat; Tor Needs to Apologize

steve-moffat-and-mark-gatiss-sherlock-on-bbc-one-22379452-450-650This was supposed to be the last part of the Defense of Amy Pond posts, but the third point I had kind of lost itself somewhere in the other two and I have something bigger and better to talk about in Doctor Who news. The hatred for current show runner, Steven Moffat, seems to have jumped the shark as shown in this article over at Tor. The writer, Emily Asher-Perrin, seems to be on such a witch hunt for Moffat’s disregard for fans and the series that she posted a dubious article where she says that the show runner is ignoring canon and stating that the Doctor could be human. The article opens like this:

This is a great one. Apparently, in a recent issue of Doctor Who Magazine, Steven Moffat insisted that the Doctor never explicitly stated that he was an alien in Classic Who. Therefore there’s no proof that he is.

Do we have to do this now, Moffat? It’s too early in the week for this.

The thing is that if you click the link and read the article in its entirety you will find out that he is issuing a challenge to fans to watch the classic era or just recall in their memories when it was the show first explicitly stated the Doctor was not human. He directs the challenge at the former show runner because they worked together and were both geeks about Doctor Who who used to geek out about it. This isn’t antagonistic or disregarding canon. Luckily some of the comments on the article seem to have caught on. I got some screenshots on my phone of one very interesting comment chain.



The above comment clearly shows that the author omitted information that was provided in the original article to make her point and it’s just for bias sake. “I don’t like the show runner, so I’m going to slander him on the internet just to stir up hatred”.





There is a part of the fandom that actually enjoys what’s going on in Doctor Who since the start of season five. I will admit to being one of these people. I can barely stand to look at any season before four at this point. Then there are people who aren’t too invested in either side and are just along for the ride. There seems to be this third group that think they need to drive people off Twitter [1], or send women who work with Moffat death threats for defending him [2],  and taking everything they say out of context as if to look up at the BBC with the hopeful eyes of a mischievous child looking at their mom or dad and go, “See Mommy/Daddy? Now can we fire him?”

It’s disgusting and fucking and annoying and Tor needs to apologize.